GM President and General Manager Gan Wenwei said in a media communication meeting yesterday morning that after GM announced that it entered bankruptcy protection procedures, GM’s business in China will continue without any changes, including the establishment of a commercial vehicle joint venture with FAW in advance. The project is still progressing according to the strategic plan.

Gan Wenwei first reported the results of GM China in the past May - selling 56,011 vehicles. After April, it again set a new monthly sales record since last year, an increase of 75% compared with the same period of last year. GM's sales in China from January to May rose by 33.8% year-on-year.

Afterwards, Gan Wenwei said that GM and FAW are closely negotiating on the establishment of a commercial vehicle joint venture project. At present, no agreement has been reached, but no change is expected in the strategy. Gan Wenwei also believes that GM has the ability to build another new factory in the Mainland within five years.